About Course
Throughout this course you will be learning the science behind cuddling in why we need it in out day to day lives.
Health benefits” lower blood pressure helps relieve pain” boost immune system” Helps communicate with your emotions
Code of conduct, we will teach you to understand the platonic nature of the service. Understand that this is a professional relationship and will treat it as such. Agree not to pursue sexual arousal, or sexual interaction with a client within or outside of sessions. In this course we be teaching you how to connect to your body in a different way.
, you will release different kinds of hormones include oxytocin, dopamine, and serotonin. Once the hormones are released into our bodies we experience feelings of happiness, relaxation, improve mood.
CCL does its part to pre-screen clients to ensure clients are who they say they are, Cuddlers can use these safety protocols by ensuring that the clients identify themselves with their submitted ID, before the session starts. The most basic requirement for a satisfying session is that the client wants to receive what you have to offer. The word “screening” refers to screening out what we do not want to let in. If they want something you are not wholeheartedly comfortable in offering, then it serves both of you for you to say no.
You will be learning 12 types of cuddling positions
The “spoon”
The “half spoon
. …The butt “cheek-to-cheek”
The classic handhold
The benefits that come with these positions that we will discuss during the training.
We will go over how to teach you about Energy levels in How to let go During the session. letting go the negative and turning into positive. teaching you to overcome being shy and anxiety. After you learn all this you can cuddle with anyone and be you that makes a difference not just in their life but as well in your life.
Course Content
Course at CCL
Lesson 1 – Code of Conduct
00:50 -
Lesson 2 – Trust and Belonging
01:01 -
Lesson 3 – Your Role as a Cuddler
01:01 -
Lesson 4 – Emotional Intelligence
02:01 -
Lesson 5 – Screening
01:16 -
Lesson 6: Cuddling Positions and Meanings
Lesson 7: Mental /wellbeing
Lesson 8 – The Importance of Cuddling
00:55 -
First testing Quiz